
Name: Drashig
Pronunciation: Dr-ash-ig
Homeworld: Daktana
Political Affiliation: UCSB
Incorporation Date: 0.001
Government Type:
Matriachal Oligarchy
Genetic Class:
Oxygen Gas Metabolizing
(Right Handed Amino-Acid)
Sensory Organs: AVOTG
Visual Spectrum: W
2 (Male/Female)/Sexual
Gestation: 300 cycle
Litter Size: 1-3
Sexual Maturity: 11-12 annura
Life Span:
_____Male: 97 annura
_____Female: 105 annura
Ave. Height:
_____Male: 5.9 Metra
_____Female: 5.85 Metra
Ave. Mass:
_____Male: 19 Kilobar
_____Female: 18.5 Kilobar
Physical Description:
Drashig are four limbed, bipedal, reverse kneed hinged mammals evolved from cliff dwelling marsupials. Skin coloration is typically light to dark brown depending on region. Drashig are covered head to foot in a fine layer of soft hair, and their hair thickens atop their heads and around their groinal regions. Male and Female Drashig are virtually indistinguishable, though Drashig females are typically a little smaller then the males, have lighter frames, and a small pair of breasts.
The Drashig head is distinguished by having a large vertically hinged muzzle on the lower part of their face, this was a natural evolution from their cliff dwelling nature. A pair of nostrils run the length of each half of the muzzle terminating in a small nose. Drashig have a pair of eyes mounted above their muzzle, with one eye to each side and beneath a light eyebrow ridge. The head extends upwards into a mid sized forehead after which it slopes back quickly. Drashig ears are little more
than a small pair of holes on either side of their head approximately level with their nostrils. As such Drashig hearing is not as sensitive as in some other races, but their sense of smell is highly acute.
Drashig have six digits on their hands and feet. Each ped has four fingers which are of the same length as the rest of the palm and dual opposable thumbs mounted to either side of the rear of the hand/foot. Drashig are able to turn their feet 180 degrees out ward to face behind them, an essential skill developed by their cliff crawling ancestors.
Genitals on the males are external, while females house their reproductive organs internally. Drashig females typically have eight fertile cycles a year but only release a mature egg for fertilization during sexual intercourse. Drashig males have a pouch on their bellies in which newborn Drashig live until old enough to move on their own power.
Drashig females typically give birth to a litter of two or three young at once, early Drashig babies did not have a high success rate of reach their father’s pouch however, so it was not uncommon to find only a single “pouchling” in a male Drashig’s pouch. Evolution and a greater understanding of self have allowed more Drashig young to survive to adulthood then before, so it is now common to find a male Drashig carrying two or three pouchlings.
Much of early Drashig history is highly fragmented and disassociated, with many different interpretations of the same worldwide events. This came about because of the Drashig’s lack of contact with outside tribes. The Drashig Homeworld is a mountainous world not easily traveled by surface, as such Drashig tribes did not migrate and interact a great deal.
As the Drashig evolved limited expeditions beyond the home cliffs were undertaken by several tribes, some coming upon vast plains where they settled. So-called plains Drashig quickly began to develop the open lands between sheer faced mountains where their cousins lived, building cities and infrastructure.
Great Drashig cities began to be built at the base of the home cliffs, the plain and cliff dwellers living in relative harmony, each providing valuable resources to the other. Differences between the plain and cliff dwellers threatened peace in the cities many times, but wars did not start until expanding tribal states finally made contact.
A long history of border conflicts marks most of the next age of the Drashig people, with the five great nation states fighting for control of vital resources and land. As technologies advanced new weapons of war were brought to bear many of which could level whole mountain ranges. These horrific weapons caused a rift between the cliff and plain dwellers and the fragile peace of the cities then shattered as the cliff dwellers began developing temblor weapons that would rift the plains.
The great wars continued for generations until little of Drash was left unaltered and all but a few of the most ancient cities were leveled. The end of the war came about however because of the actions of a single Drashig, Ormu Balhet. Balhet was a great leader and spiritualist who would walk out into the middle of the battlefields calling to the warring sides to lay down their arms and look at what they had done to their world. The devastation to the continents quickly became clear and with an army of followers Balhet brought about peace on Drash, and began to rebuild.
The final unifying force for the Drashig however came from without. In the waning days of the generations long war the Vedekian horde attacked the Drashig homeworld killing Balhet in the first assault. The Drashig people became enraged by this and took up arms against the Vedekian en-masse, capturing and assimilating a great deal of the Vedekian’s technology. The Drashig along with the Anulians, the Lodran, Otlian, and Shinekian proceeded to hunt down and destroy every last Vedekian. As the great Vedekian war came to a close however the five races worked to strength their alliance along with the Breshig and the Donvarion and formed the UCSB. The Drashig are still key players in the UCSB, putting many of their early tribal differences behind them.
While several different religions and sub cultures make up the Drashig people the greatest cultural divide still comes in the form of cliff and plain dwellers. While having adopted modern technologies and even traveling to space so called “cliff dwellers” are still more likely to hold to the old ways. Cliff Dwellers are not explorers by nature and when they join the military are more interested in home defense or acting in a
support role, few cliff dwellers are ever found in front line combat.
“Plain Dwellers” on the other hand are much more outgoing by nature and extroverted interested in the affairs of others and more then willing to go out and fight. Most frontline Drashig warriors are Plain Dwellers. Cliff and Plain dwellers live in relative harmony however, the teachings of Ormu Balhet still strong in all Drashig.
Major Relgions:
Balham- The most prevalent of the Drash religions, Balhams following the teachings of an ancient Drashig named Ormu-Balhet who was said to have godlike powers. Balhams believe greatly in peace, but not at the cost of self or individuality. The Balham religion is very open and many other races are accepted into it, Balham being one of the few cross race
Cafoni- An older Drashig religion, Cafoni is based upon the existence of some thirty or more gods and deities who control everything from the cleanliness of ones home to the universe itself. Largely discounted by many after the discovery of other races, many followers of the Cafoni religion still strive to find their ancient gods amongst the stars.
Zolat- The Zolat while more a philosophy then a religion focus’
primarily on the development of self and the expansion of the mind.
For the most part the Drashig believe in peace through outward strength. As a people the Drashig tend to be distrusting of outsiders and tend to regard newcomers warily until their trust has been earned. Sometimes accused of being too closed minded, the Drashig are infact one of the more accepting races, and while generally not willing to adopt or agree to the views of others they will accept them as being different and move on.
The Drashig and Anulians get along well as a people their common philosophies and outlooks helping the two races coexist peacefully.
As of UCSB Census Date 1000: 19.5 billion including all colony worlds.
The Drashig people are governed by a democratic council comprised entirely of female Drashig. This is believed to have come about because a high mother ruled all the early tribes. Amongst the tribes only the high mother was permitted to mate with another beside their life mate. High mothers could and were allowed to mate with any male in the tribe, this is a practice still kept in the democratic council.
Psionicism- Telepathic and Telekinetic abilities, most Drashig Psionics average at a level 5, with a few level 8.5, as is seen in other races as well the number of psionics grows with every generation.
Other than slight skeletal and muscular differences between the cliff and plain dwellers the Drashig have no subspecies amongst them.